Masih ingatkah anda tentang rumor yang beredar begitu santer terdengar ditelinga kita sebelum iPhone 4S diluncurkan?, dan banyak orang di d...Read more »
Malang to day 26 Desember 2011
Extreme cloud to day in malang east java of infonesiaRead more »
What Is Debian? About John Goerzen and Ossama Othman
What Is Debian? Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities t...Read more »
Anti Mosquitos app for iPhone
Anti mosquitos is best application to repel mosquitoes when you sleep or at anywhere there are lot if mosquito... You can search this appli...Read more »
Evening in my boarding house
This picture was taken at my boarding house in Malang east java by iPhone 4 Read more »
Blogger application for blogger
blogger application for iphone that has been developed by Google are very helpful to the iphone users to write on their blogs as well as upl...Read more »
Ice Cream to Night
Malang very cold at this moment. But, when I saw this ice cream on super market it's look so nice.... Read more »
Flash light effect in glass taken by iPhone 4
This pict was taken when I dinner on some place in east java.. I think look like nice when I see the effect from flash light of my phoneRead more »
Download Opera 11.60 for Windows
A full-featured Internet browser, Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera...Read more »
Steve Wozniak: Android adalah Produk Gagal seperti bagaimana Apple III, LISA dan Macintosh
Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Minggu siang, program TV lokal di India, Wozniak berbagi beberapa pemikiran yang cukup menarik pada keberhas...Read more »
Microsoft Translator VS Google Translate
Sekitar sebulan yang lalu saya diminta untuk membuat sebuah blog yang saya kelola untuk dibuat dalam versi bahasa inggris. Namun yang menjad...Read more »
iBlogger APP for blogger on iPhone
Tulisan ini dibuat dengan iBlogger sebuah aplikasi khusus blogger yang berjalan diatas sistem operasi mobile milik apple inc. Kekurangan da...Read more »
Download UltraStar Deluxe
Ultrastart deluxe is one of game can play under Linux platform and work very stable on Linux. This game is cross platform. Ultrastart delu...Read more »
Saya Dapat Nomor Telpon Perek
Niatan awal adalah mencari harga sebuah sewa apartemen atau kost di Amerika bagian LA, kemudian salah seorang teman menyarankan untuk mencar...Read more »
Bruno Mars feat Ayu Ting Ting - The Lazy Song
Ayu ting-ting mendadak beken setelah video klip alamat palsu yang tidak lain dinyanyikan dirinya tersebut diunggah ke youtube dan ditonton j...Read more »
Beckham di Dadaku
Syahrini artis yang dulunya kurang cantik tapi sekarang setelah menjadi artis entah kenapa wajahnya mendadak jadi cantik dan jadi pujaan ban...Read more »
Firefox 9.0 Beta 4
Firefox is the best browser for surf on internet also firefox got most user from this country (Indonesia) because firefox still stable, fast...Read more »
Download Thunderbird 9.0 Beta 3
Here the description about thunder bird in this vesion from filehippo Thunderbird is a great email client from the same people who brought ...Read more »
Aplay command on linux
Command arecord, aplay − command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA soundcard driver SYNOPSIS arecord [flags] [filename] aplay [fl...Read more »
HTML History
HTML History 1995 - HTML 2.0 appears as the first standardized version of HTML 1997 - HTML 3.2 appears but was largely ignored by browser ...Read more »
Repository Ubuntu 11.10 Indonesia
Kemarin telah direlease versi Ubuntu terbaru yaitu Ubuntu 11.10, dan hampir semua pengguna Ubuntu diseluruh dunia melakukan update versi Ubu...Read more »
Blackberry os 7 mendukung NFC
adanya fitur-fitur NFC (near field communication), pengguna dapat melakukan pembayaran secara langsung bia handset . Fitur NFC ini adalah fi...Read more »
Kurban dengan Kambing Betina
Kurban dengan Kambing Betina Tidak ada ketentuan jenis kelamin hewan kurban. Sehingga boleh berkurban dengan hewan jantan maupun betina. ...Read more »
The Motorola DROID BIONIC is the first device on Verizon to marry a dual-core processor with 4G LTE connectivity. A 1GHz dual-core chip a...Read more »
Sayonara Steve Jobs
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things different...Read more »
Salix OS 13.37
George Vlahavas has announced the release of Salix OS 13.37 "Ratpoison" edition, a Slackware-based distribution showcasing the r...Read more »
Free BSD 9.0 Beta 3
FreeBSD is a UNIX-like operating system for the i386, amd64, IA-64, arm, MIPS, powerpc, ppc64, PC-98 and UltraSPARC platforms based on U.C. ...Read more »
Kindle Fire
From newstech As talk of the Kindle Fire being an iPad killer heats up, a research study shows Amazon might need to make sure its not burn...Read more »
Video Ayu Ting Ting Alamat Palsu
Video ayu ting ting on youtube Download video Ayu Ting Ting alamat palsu hereRead more »
Clonezilla Live
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software similar to Norton Ghost. It saves and...Read more »
Zentyal 2.2-1
Distribution Release: Zentyal 2.2-1^José Antonio Calvo has announced the availability of an updated release of Zentyal 2.2, an easy-to-use...Read more »
Motorola Xoom Feature
Motorola xoom has release by motorola and the owner of motorola now is google. Ofcourse this will make google focus to develop android for m...Read more »
Samsung Galaxy S II Review
Samsung galaxy s2 wonderfull android smartphone released and this video will explain what the feature of samsung galaxy s2. This video prese...Read more »
Nokia 700 Feature
Nokia 700 with the new Symbian Belle Nokia 700 is our smallest smartphone with slim design, vibrant colours and me...Read more »
Nokia C3 01 Touch and Type Review
Nokia C3 03 is a combination from touch and type with elegant feature from Nokia. Read more »
Nokia C1 01 Review [video]
This is review about Nokia c1 01 by waleedn100 I toke from youtube. Nokia C1 01 is low-end mobile class from Nokia, but still use hig-clas...Read more »
Grub 2 Linux
Again video from Nixie Pixel. Now she made tutorial about how to take back your grub when lose install Windows or other OS in your system. M...Read more »
Nokia Car Mode [Video]
As we know goverment make a rule that we can't to use phone on our car, because very danger. But Nokia has change that image with launch...Read more »
Windows 8 Metro UI In Windows 7
If you would like to use windows 8 UI on windows 7, you can use mosaic. This software will change your desktop look like Metro style on wind...Read more »
Windows 8 Review
About review in Indonesian language before I wrote on This video from winrumor that windows 8 hand on review. More detail y...Read more »
Change Back to the Classic Gnome Look
This video from NixiePixel. As we know this girl often made video fro beginer of linux. It turns out that Unity has not been very unifying ...Read more »
Symbian Anna Release
As we know Nokia has use many Operating system like Meego, Windows Phone, Symbian. At this year and this month Nokia released news Symbian w...Read more »
Virus di Android
Linux selama ini terkenal dengan ketangguhan nya terhadap virus, trojan, worm, malware. Siapa sangka perangkat mobile dengan sistem operasi...Read more »
Google Plus Die?
Google plus now dimmer than ever received a very enthusiastic user from cyberspace. does google will turn off the social networking site? ...Read more »
How To Install Zekr On Linux
I took from wikipedia about zekr : " Zekr is an open source Quranic desktop application. It is an open platform Quran study tool for b...Read more »
How To Make Ubuntu Classic as Default Desktop Ubuntu 11.04
Not all people like unity especialy me, I dislike unity. There is lot of quistion how to make Ubuntu Classis as default desktop and I 'l...Read more »
Command Whois IP on Linux
Some time you need information about some one Internet Protocol or who owner about web etc. When I do not know how to collect information fr...Read more »
Hyperlink ON Facebook Status
Berawal dari penasaran melihat status teman dengan tulisan yang diberikan hyperlink di facebook, karena sepanjang pengetahuan dan percobaan ...Read more »
Install Compiz on Ubuntu 11.04
How to install compiz on ubuntu 11.04 it's same way with another version of ubuntu, but if you got trouble when you try in 11.04, here I...Read more »
Apple Inc Richer Than The United States Of America
America as we know is rich country in this world while they have big country also much resource. Much company are based on United State Of A...Read more »
Windows, Mac and Linux [Video]
Windows, Mac and Linux This is funny video I realy like itRead more »
How to Upgrade BIOS on Dell N4030
Bios upgrade needed if something happens or there is a problem in your machine then requires to upgrade the BIOS. About BIOS upgrade proble...Read more »
Microsoft: Happy birth Day Linux [Video]
This video will make you are laughing and now I believe Microsoft is not versus Linux again, but exactly we should to say Microsoft and Linu...Read more »
Download Fedora 15
Sorry I am late to post about release of fedora 15. Fedora 15 is wonderfull Linux OS with new interface behind unity Desktop Read more »
Installing Compiz Fusion On Fedora 15
To install Compiz Fusion, open a terminal again ( Applications => System Tools => Terminal ) and become root: Read more »
Installing Thenouveau Graphic Card Driver On Fedora 15
Open a terminal window under Applications > System Tools > Terminal be root with type su Read more »
PK2 MABA Universitas Brawijaya
Brawijaya University PK2MABA akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15-20 Agustus. PK2MABA adalah salah satu event untuk mahasiswa baru. Read more »
Cracking Facebook Account
Cegah para cracker untuk mengambil alih akun facebook anda. Ada banyak cara dalam melakukan tindakan pencegahan peretasan akun facebook and...Read more »
Foto Private Party Bunga Citra Lestari
Ahaaa.....Ngeblog yang g penting lagi nich, cuman mau bahas masalah beredarnya "Foto private party bareng bunga citra lestari" S...Read more »
BUGIL( Bukan Gambar Ilfil)
Yang saya maksud BUGIL disini adalah bukan gambar ilfil, bukan BUGIL dalam artian photo bugil cewek2, atau photo telanjang, melainkan bukan ...Read more »
My Sister Insurance
I care and love my sister. I think for her future when I cannot work or not enough money to pay her school and for everything. Now i can wor...Read more »
Rasa Apple di Google
Kemunculan google plus di ranah jejaring sosial dunia sangat mengejutkan semua pihak termasuk raja jejaring sosial saat ini yaitu "fac...Read more »
Hamil Duluan [Sinta and Jojo]
Benar-benar index yang sangat keren, mulai dari nol kemudian naek mendadak keangka 150. Sinta and Jojo memang keren beken, pastinya index in...Read more »
Video Hamil Duluan Sinta And Jojo
Hari ini saya mencoba untuk melihat sebuah topik trend di google tentang Sinta and Jojo dengan lipsync terbaru mereka, karena mereka beberap...Read more »
Linux itu Susah?
Linux dari sejak pertama kali di luncurkan September 1991 oleh Linus Trovalds sudah mengalami perubahan yang luar biasa dahsyat dan cepat d...Read more »
Sinta and Jojo Hamil Duluan[Video]
Sinta and Jojo suddenly famous with lipsync song of " keong racun " and make them famous and rich for a moment. And many managem...Read more »
Apple Released Mac OS X Lion 10.7
Apple has released Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and now available for download on Mac AppStore. Mac OS X Lion menu closer with iOS and interface more ...Read more »
BlankOn Linux Pattimura 7.0
A few week a go I installed BlankOn Linux Pattimura with dev version because not yet release, so lot of package still out of date and I am ...Read more »
Irfan Bachdim And Jennifer Kurniawan [Picture]
Irfan Bachdim Jennifer Kurniawan had been married in German though they are both different religions reportedly they still embrace their o...Read more »
iPad 3 HD Display 2048×1536
iPad 3 will use display 2048 * 1536 this is a rumor has been long time but now apple make a testing for that display. Its been rumored that...Read more »
Bill Gates On Google +
A few weeks a go many people in this world talk about markzuckerberg made google + account also on their circle only facebook staff. But can...Read more »
Hacker Anonymous Banned BY Google +
Hacker activies called Anonymous made social network. Reason they made this social network because lot of their members are banned by google...Read more »
How To Keep On Logging Into Multiple Google Accounts
Mat Honan — Google changed something today. I'm against it! This morning, for the first time, I...Read more »
George Hotz Spotted Coding At iOSDevCamp [Picture]
Who does not know the figure of a geohotz. The hackers who clashedwith sony a few week ago and had reportedly joined In the ev...Read more »
Photo Bugil IPDN [picture]
One more news from IPDN (Institute Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri) a student was photographed nudea student was photographed nude. His own photo ...Read more »
Chines Food Gang Jangkrik [picture]
To day I am so bored on my boarding house I don't know way? so I try to make my head refresh I went to Matoz for playing game on Time ...Read more »
Google Plus VS
Now facebook has been closed their API.KEY to export friends, maybe they worry google plus will use for data maining of user from facebook...Read more »
Photovine New Social Network
After google plus now google released Photovine. Photovine is social network for photo sharing. When you post your picture then your friend ...Read more »
Window List On Debian, Ubuntu
Function of Window list is for Switch between open windows using buttons. If you got trouble when you activate an application then that app...Read more »
Linux Mint 11 With LXDE Released
Linux Mint 11 With LXDE Released You can download at lot of mirror in the world, chose the mirror near from your place Download : Md5 ...Read more »
IDM for Firefox 6
I used firefox 6.0 but theris something made me so lazy to used, because this version of firefox not yet compatible with IDM 6.07 so I can...Read more »
IDM for Firefox 5 And compatible
A few week a go I was write and upload IDM plugin for firefox 5 here and it's work. But that plugin not made by IDM developer, so mayb...Read more »
Preview Naruto Shipuden 220
Prophecy of the Great Lord Elder <p>&amp;amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;...Read more »
Rumor :Amazon To Release An Android Tablet And Two New Kindles This Fall
I read news from and I saw crazy news "The fabled Amazon tablet: Oh how you tease us so. You come from the maker of the worl...Read more »
Download Naruto Shipuden 220
Oh damn,,,I waiting for one week for watch next episode of naruto shipuden 220, but I saw on narutoget site they made attention like this N...Read more »
Sabayon Linux 6 Spins Final Released
Sabayon Linux development team has released three new spins of its Linux distribution featuring lightweight Enlightenment 17 (E17) LXDE ...Read more »
You Need invitation to Google +?
For you who want to join google + but no one invites you to google +. please leave a comment of your email address, then I'll invite you...Read more »
DSA-2277-1 xml-security-c -- stack-based buffer overflow
Affected Packages: xml-security-c It has been discovered that xml-security-c, an implementation of the XML Digital Signature and Encryption...Read more »
CentOS 6.0 Release
CentOS 6.0, a Linux distribution built from source RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0, has been released: " Centos 6.0 avai...Read more »
Python 3.2.1 Release
Python the powerfull prgraming language has been update n now available for new version. "The first bug fix release for February...Read more »
Google Plus "Like"
The diferent from google + and facebook are Facebook use "like" for expression of someone post Google + use "+1" ...Read more »
Download Firefox 6.0 Beta
Download Firefox 6.0 Beta with all language Also available firefox6.0 with Indonesian language Read more » Vulnerable
Will Dormann and Jared Allar discovered that the Lotus Word Pro import filter of, a full-featured office productivity suite t...Read more »
SeaMonkey 2.2 Based on Firefox 5
Mozilla Releases SeaMonkey 2.2 Based on Firefox 5 new features such as support for CSS animations, and addresses several security vulnerab...Read more »
Scientific Linux 5.6
Scientific Linux is a Linux release put together by Fermilab , CERN , and various other labs and universities around the world. Its primar...Read more »
Wine 1.3.23 Direct3D 9.0 Implementation
Wine with version 1.3.23 already implemented a 3D function for windows application with Direct3D 9.0 . We can play lot of Windows games al...Read more »
Ubuntu 11.10 Repository
Ubuntu 11.10 not yet release, but if you would like to try this version of Ubuntu , you can download beta version. Special for who would li...Read more »
Download video"anak % 20 baru bogor"
You looking for video video"anak % 20 baru bogor" Download Or your keyword is like this "anak % 20 baru bogor " Downlo...Read more »
Google Plus First Generation
"I am google plus first generation" I don't know I am google plus first generation or not. This word I found on my circle in g...Read more »
How to Send Invitations Google Plus Without Real Invitations
Google + is believed will make the facebook users leave , because no longer attractive. But for now google + ca...Read more »
Fake Invite Google Plus
Be careful with the invitation Palus google plus, many attackers use this moment for pishing. What should you do when receiving an email in...Read more »
Invite Google Plus
I got invite from my friend at google plus. Yeah google plus still new and still develope, maybe google still looking for a bug for their p...Read more »
Video Anak % 20 Baru Bogor
What the hell they do it, made porn video with 3 woman and 1 man. Just for sensation ? I think they was wrong, because this is bad sensation...Read more »
Info Linux Home Server Edition
This is a real magazine, not a gossip magazine. why do I say this is a real magazine? because it was qualified with a very high quality, but...Read more »
How To Make Cookie With PHP
This I show source how to make cookie, I wrote because my friend always ask me about this. Very simple and easy to try setcookie ("Nam...Read more »
Synaptic Removed From Ubuntu Linux 11.10
I saw news from "" look like t he title ...Read more »