That Way I am small

I had dinner with my friend from Libya, ofcourse with Libyan food and they made by self. So, this is original Libyan food, I don't know what they call this food.

Well, We are eat that food. My first comment for this food are look like spagheti and very delicious.
Well, I think all of arabic ethnic eat so much, that way there are so big than Indonesian people. They are so surprise because I eat not much.

That way I am small because I eat not much food everyday and they are eaten lot of kind of food.


  1. Enak sekali, ya seperti spageti, wuih ada salatah/acar dan roti (bentuknya bundar), saya makan roti cuma setengah sudah kenyang, tapi arabic 2 roti bisa kemakan sekali.
