Blogspot VS Wordpress

Blogger or Wordpress
In my mind, blogspot is a CMS very heavy to load than wordpress. I make this experiment long time a go exactly at 2007. Yach that true blogspot so heavy long time a go, so i choose wordpress as my blog for write anything what in my mind. Also i ask some of my friend "about blogspot" their comment same like my comment. Not enough ask friend i try to open blog of my friend on and I compare with blog from my friend too that on yach that right blogspot need more time be 100% opened and loading bar to stop.

Today I got many quistion and many suggestion from my friend too, for use blogspot, because with blogspot you can adds advertisement and you get money to help your experiment everyday. I Need more time to think words of my friend, because if I adds advertisement on my blog, theris lot of people visit my blog and majority they visit my blog by phone, so when they use phone with small bandwidht my blog will heavy for load.
Enough think about my visitor, because I try to visit my blog with mobile phone Nokia E63 with GPRS connection and my blog not so heavy, I try to text advertisement and ho ...oooo not so heavy. So I make decision to put advertisement on my blog.....


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