Photovine New Social Network

After google plus now google released Photovine. Photovine is social network for photo sharing. When you post your picture then your friend can see it. This product from"Slide" but that company now has been acquisition by Photovine has been released, you can use it by sign up first at this address
You can upload your pict from phone like way you post something on twitter then your friend can see it and give comment to your pict

Keyword: Google plus, google +, photovine, social network


  1. Dear

    I think the first are not facebook but that friendster, hi5, myspace and many other. For your opinion about google yeach I am Agree with you, because i hear also about few month a go. Google has been a tool of CIA, so wanna collect data all people in this world then when they looking for something about people they just search on their database because they was got our data. But so difficult to get out from that circle, because we need their technology
